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aussie homeopaths

Infection Clear 30ml or 50ml (Homeopatic antibiotic Staph, e.coli, etc)

Infection Clear 30ml or 50ml (Homeopatic antibiotic Staph, e.coli, etc)

Regular price $30.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 AUD
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Infection Clear 30ml or 50ml
For any type of infection and inflammation anywhere of the body.

  • Babesiosis relief or prevention.
  • Enterobacter,Serratia,Klebsilla,Shigella,Proteus,Pseudomonas
  • Staphylococcus, Streptoccocus E.Coli bacteria infections.

A wonderful formula that is safe and gentle, can be used as a prevention or as a relief of any infection and fever anywhere in the body. Boost the white Blood cells. ie. also treating successfully any secondary skin infections, gums and wounds. Assisitng with a natural homeopathic antibiotic for large and small animals of all ages and species.  ie cats, kittens, rabbit , birds, mice, chooks, farm animals, horse, dog, reptiles, possums other small, large animals and Humans too.


Can be given by putting several drops on body (top of head or shoulders) and prevention. Casual methods can be added to meals and water dish or farm trough.

Sometimes a "HERBAL" ANTIBIOTIC FORMULA" is more accepted by larger animals and dogs - it can hide it well in some food and you can hand feed the dose. This formula has a strong smell and taste to it and should be diluted in food or slippery elm mixture before using.

Infection Clear  30ml       
Contains homeopathics formula  of:  Penicillium Nosode, Pyogenicum, Staphylococcus and Streptoccocus bacteria Nosode 1M, Gunpowder Nosode, Cortisone, Echinacea 200C, Kali Phos, Belladonna, Fever balance 200C, Crotalus Horr 200C, Salmonella nosode 12X,1M, Shigella nosode 10M,6X, Klebsiella pneumonia nosode 200C, 10M, Enterobactor nosode 200C, Serratia mac nosode 12C, Proteus nosode 12C,10M, Escherichia coli (E.coli) nosode 6X,10M, Enterococinum nosode 12X,10M, Hydrastis, Pseudomonas Aer Bacteria nosode CM and Pseudomonas Mallei Bacteria nosode 1M, Anthracinum nosode 12C, Septiceminum nosode 1M and MM potency high strength(which is a homeopathic blood cleanser from any infection in the body)

EASY HOMEOPATHIC ANIMAL APPLICATION:   "one dose"  is by applying (clear liquid) of 3 to 4 drops onto body ie top of head or back of shoulders (not orally).   If the formula is in pill form , put 1 to 2 pills in pouch of mouth to dissolve and sit in mouth as one dose. (More suitable for larger pets) .  Once condition has improved, can stop , or if pet has a chronic condition continue with casual dosing, can stir in a dose to filtered water bowl, every time you change it a few times a week.  Alternatively add a dose to daily meals.   Refer to:  Bottle label of the formula for recommended "frequencies" repeated daily dosing.

PRE & POST SURGERY:  A dose (several drops on body) given before a day before surgery then afterwards give four times daily for min 8 day to 10 days. 
GENERAL INFECTION RELIEF:  A dose ( on body) every half an hour for 5 times in the same day.  Then three to four times daily for 8 days or longer if needed. 

The herbal formula called "Infection Fighter 50ml" may be needed if the Homeopathic remedy is not as effective. This formula may also give relief or prevention of bacteria's strains of the Enterobacter type and also relief from possible Babesiosis  infection (Babesia gibsoni), which affects the blood, liver( hepatitis), and kidneys. 

Infection Clear is tasteless and safe for all ages and species. Drops go onto body or into water trough for farm animals.

This formula may also available in a 50ml @ $35.00 or 100ml @ $45.00 for larger users (n/a). Postage not included.


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