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Activated Charcoal Pure Eden - Food Grade - 300g

Activated Charcoal Pure Eden - Food Grade - 300g

Regular price $43.95 AUD
Regular price Sale price $43.95 AUD
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Activated Charcoal : best single detoxifier for whole body cleansing, eradicating the body of 4000+toxins.

Through an electrostatic charge it draws toxins, chemicals, drugs and wastes and will restore the body to its natural and proper condition. The body can therefore proceed with its healing process, uninhibited by toxins, Activated Charcoal is fast becoming the new big thing in whole body detoxifying as it plays an increasingly significant role in maintaining, restoring and enhancing ones level of health.

Activated Charcoal is the most adsorbent material in the world, and safe to use both internally and externally on people of any age, animals and soil.

Activated Charcoal can help to eliminate the body of:

  • Toxins
  • Heavy Metals
  • Mercury
  • Pesticides, Poisons, Drugs
  • Parasites
  • Nicotine / Alcohol
  • Chlorine

Activated Charcoal assists with:

  • Lowering Cholesterol
  • Hangover Cure
  • Flu Symptoms
  • Bloating / Flatulence / Colic
  • Stomach / Bowel Problems and Bali Belly
  • Liver / Kidney Problems
  • Heart Burn
  • Nausea / Vomiting
  • Bites & Stings
  • Candida / Thrush/UTI
  • Mouth Ulcers / Cold Sores
  • Cuts / Infections
  • Eye Infections
  • Candidias
  • Skin Irritations / Acne
  • Cysts / Ulcers / Abscess
  • Arthritis
  • Neutralizes Odours
  • Purifies Water

NOTE: Activated Charcoal is not a supplement and is not something you need to take daily. It is therefore not adding anything in but taking the bad stuff out.

Activated Charcoal is given internally to help detoxify individuals for a variety of toxic conditions, and it is also used externally in poultices. As a general detoxifier, Activated Charcoal is without equal.

It purifies the six to eight liters of digestive fluids that are secreted daily. This in turn helps to remove foreign substances from the blood.

Activated Charcoal adsorbs the intoxicant substance and it’s metabolites that are excreted into the small intestine by way of the bile duct, and thus preventing their re-absorption.

As we have noted, Activated Charcoal adsorbs drugs that diffuse back into the stomach and intestines. By neutralizing all these toxins, Activated Charcoal decreases the workload of the liver as well as the kidneys. While Activated Charcoal lightens the load on the body, it also lightens your budget.

Activated Charcoal is also safe to use on children and pets.

ACTIVATED CHARCOAL MUST BE TAKEN TWO HOURS EITHER SIDE OF ANY MEDICATION, including the contraceptive pill, as the Activated Charcoal will see it as toxin and try and defuse and or draw the medication from your body.

For further info about the benefits of detoxing with Activated Charcoal.




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