Overcoming Thyroid Disorders , (3rd Edition) - completely updated. - Dr David Brownstein
Overcoming Thyroid Disorders , (3rd Edition) - completely updated. - Dr David Brownstein
Overcoming Thyroid Disorders
Dr. Brownstein’s Book, Overcoming Thyroid Disorders, 3rd Edition has been completely updated. This book shows how a holistic treatment program can effectively treat:
- Hypothyroidism
- Graves’ Disease
- Hashimoto’s Disease
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Arthritis
- And Much More!
Overcoming Thyroid Disorders provides information on safe and effective natural therapies to help the body heal itself. Dr. Brownstein provides over 30 actual case studies of his success in treating thyroid disorders.
Overcoming Thyroid Disorders contains information on:
- Natural Thyroid Hormone
- Bioidentical Natural Hormones
- Diet
- Vitamins and Minerals Important for Thyroid Function
- Detoxification
- And Much More!
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Hypothyroidism
3. Poor T4 Converters and Thyroid Hormone Resistance
4. Thyroid Replacement Options
5. Hyperthyroidism and Autoimmune Disorders
6. Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
7. Adrenal and Gonadal Hormones and their Relationship to the Thyroid
8. Diet
9. Detoxification
10. Coagulation Disorders
11. Iodine and the Thyroid Gland
12. Final Thoughts
Appendix A: Glycemic Index
Appendix B: Other Resources