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aussie homeopaths

Pain Eze 50ml

Pain Eze 50ml

Regular price $39.95 AUD
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Pain Eze - Pain relief - general inflammation, fever, or post surgery.

  • Pain in body. i.e. fever, glands infected.
  • After any type of surgery, tooth extractions, shingles.
  • For all species and ages.
  • Apply on body every 5 mins for 5 to 8 times a day.


Use in conjunction with other healing and repairing medicines, depending on what type of injury or surgery your patient has had.

This can be used with a drug antibiotic or as effective alternative.

Any type of physical trauma to the body or after any surgical procedures, ear drum from damages or infection pain.
Use this in conjunction with other healing remedies and support if needed.

Must give frequently to get fast action for desired support.

Contains homeopathic, nosode complex:

  • Morphinum nosode (shock, hysteria, coma, lightening-stroke,shock induced by terror),
  • Guaiacum (fever, neuralgia,sciatica,)
  • Aconite Nap CM (acute shock and pain),
  • Guaco (stroke, spine disorders),
  • Anth nosode (infection, fevers, gangrened, abscess, intolerable burning, septic or malignant ulcers),
  • Carbolic Acid 10M (allergic reactions, anaphylatic shock, burns, dyspepsia, terrible pains coming and going, meningitis)
  • Cuprum Met 10M (cramps / spasms)
  • Gunpowder nosode (stops any type of infection spreading),
  • Kalium Chloricum 10M (nephritis, toxemia, stomatitis, neuralgic pain),
  • Bothrops Venom 6X (embolism-blood clot, thrombosis, lung congestion)

General Treatment: Drops can be applied to the body, in meals and water dish for feral or wildlife or stock animals. (fine if other animal drink same water, only the one that needs pain relief will find relief)





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