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pH Test Strips- For Urine & Saliva

pH Test Strips- For Urine & Saliva

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pH Test Strips- For Urine & Saliva

  • Super sensitive
  • For saliva and urine
  • 15-second results
  • Track your pH throughout the day
  • Easy to read 2 Colour panel
  • Wide RangepH 4.5 pH 9.0
  • 100 strips
  • Sterile and sealed for freshness

Is Your pH too Acidic?
Have you been feeling off- Colour? Suffering from headaches, insomnia and lack of energy? These are just some of the symptoms you may experience if your body's PH balance is out of balance.

Too much acidity can also cause depression, frequent infections, sensitive teeth, gastritis, brittle nails, dry skin, leg cramps, and those annoying little ulcers on your tongue.

The ideal pH level for our bodies is around 7.0 to 7.4 but, due to the acidic food we eat nowadays, and stress, many of us are falling way below that.

Check and monitor your body pH

To test urine:
Test the first and second urine of the day and record the average reading. To test, briefly place pH strip into the urine stream, shake the excess fluid and wait 15 seconds to read your pH.

To test saliva:
Wait two hours after eating. Spit saliva into a spoon, dip the pH strip into the fluid and wait 15 seconds to read your pH

A reading of 7.0+ is acidic and below 6.0 is very acidic. Test 2-3 times per day at first then daily once pH balance is optimised to the optimal range.

Danger pH level 4.5 5.75 or 7.5 9.0, Concern for pH level 6.0 6.5, Optimal pH level 6.75 7.4

Make The Change
If your pH level is too acidic, there are several ways of bringing it back up to the optimum level. One way is to eat a more alkaline diet, including leafy greens, vegetables, sprouts, avocado, almonds, and green juices.

You can also reduce acidity by cutting out animal products, refined sugar, processed carbs, energy drinks, and certain dairy products.

Then there is the magic ingredient - one that can be found in most kitchens around the world BI-CARB SODA

So Simple, So Effective
Sodium Bicarbonate is a simple white, crystalline salt composed of sodium and bicarbonate ions. And in just the same way you can add Sodium Bicarbonate to your pool or spa to raise alkalinity, you can add it to your body.

This versatile substance offers some amazing health benefits, including balancing your pH levels. Just add it to a glass of water, stir until dissolved and drink. Then wait at least half an hour before eating.

The amount to use depends on how acidic your body is at the time. If your pH level is really low - and therefore highly acidic - take one level teaspoon of Bi-Carb Soda 3-4 times a day. If the level is around 6.5 to 7.3, take a level teaspoon twice a day.

This is general information only. Readers should seek independent professional advice from their practitioner or dietician in relation to their own individual circumstances or condition before making any decision based on the information in this information.


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